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Taglio PIV Card C2192-TST

Taglio PIV Card C2192-TST

Regular price $25.00 USD
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The C2192-PK-TST is a Dual Interface PIV Card well suited for testing PIV / CAC / CIV applications, as well as for use with PKOC physical access projects.

Based on the FIPS 140-2 Certified NXP P71 Chip, and loaded with the NIST NPIVP validated PIV applet by Taglio.Taglio PKOC

The Taglio PIV Card implements the PIV (Personal Identification Verification) Smart Card standard Designed for US Government FIPS 201 (PIV), US DOD (CAC), Federal Contractors (PIV-I), Enterprise (PIV-C/CIV) and Physical Access applications (FICAM).

PIV Compliant

Compliant with the US PIV Smart Card Standard SP 800-73, part of the FIPS 201/HSPD-12 Federal Security initiative.

FIPS 140-2 and NPIVP Validated

The Taglio C2192 PIV card implementation has been validated for conformance to the PIV card standard by the NIST Personal Identity Verification Program. Taglio PIV has been assigned Certificate #48.

PKOC Enabled

The C2192-PK-TST is optionally loaded with the PKOC Public Key Open Credential.

For more information on PKOC see the following site:

Created in the USA

The Taglio card firmware and tools are developed in Austin, Texas by a dedicated team with unrivaled experience in Smart Card development.

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